Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
2,194 Reviews

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

Cena regularna 196,00 zł

120 i 60 Kapsułek / Zapas na 1 miesiąc

Enhance your reproductive health with the Conceive Plus Women's Fertility Support and Ovulation Support Bundle, a dual-action solution designed to optimize fertility and regulate ovulation cycles.

  • Comprehensive support for fertility and ovulation health.
  • Scientifically formulated with evidence-based ingredients.
  • Combines two powerful supplements for maximal reproductive health benefits
Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements - Conceive Plus Europe
Conceive Plus Europe

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny


Suplement na płodność i zestaw owulacyjny - Conceive Plus Wsparcie płodności dla kobiet i suplement mio-inozytolowy na owulację. Zatwierdzony przez ginekologa w celu wzmocnienia płodności kobiet oraz regulacji cykli owulacyjnych i hormonów.

Zwiększa szanse na NATURALNĄ owulację

WSPIERA zdrowy poziom hormonów

Niezbędne dla zdrowia REPRODUKCYJNEGO

Sposób użycia
Wsparcie owulacji:
1. Zażywaj 2 kapsułki dwa razy dziennie, popijając wodą.

Wsparcie dla kobiet:
1. Zażywaj 2 kapsułki dziennie, popijając wodą.

2. Weź dzień lub noc.
3. Najlepiej z jedzeniem.
4. Rozpocznij przyjmowanie na 90 dni przed planowanym poczęciem. 5. Po zajściu w ciążę sugerujemy przejście na Conceive Plus WSPARCIE PRENATALNE
Kluczowe korzyści
✓ Ochrona antyoksydacyjna:
Chroni komórki jajnika przed uszkodzeniami oksydacyjnymi, poprawiając jakość jaj i ogólne zdrowie reprodukcyjne.

✓ Produkcja energii i metabolizm:
Zapewnia energię do niezbędnych procesów rozrodczych, wspierając produkcję energii komórkowej i poprawiając owulacja.

✓ Równowaga i regulacja hormonalna:
Reguluje cykle menstruacyjne i wspiera rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych, promując równowagę hormonalną.
Wspomaganie owulacji: Mio-inozytol, Kwas foliowy (kwas pteroilomonoglutaminowy), Ekstrakt z korzenia imbiru 20:1, Koenzym Q10 (Ubiquinon)

Wsparcie płodności kobiet: Witamina D (cholekalcyferol) Witamina C (kwas askorbinowy) Witamina E (octan dl-alfa tokoferylu) Tiamina (witamina B1) Ryboflawina (witamina B2) Niacyna (witamina B3) Witamina B6 (pirydoksyna) Kwas foliowy (kwas foliowy) Witamina B12 (cyjanokobalamina) Biotyna (witamina B7) Kwas pantotenowy (witamina B5) Wapń Magnez (tlenek magnezu) Żelazo Cynk (siarczan cynku) Miedź Selen (selenometionina) Jod Mieszanka do poczęcia (inozytol, zasada L-argininy, cysteina, tauryna) Kapsułka: wegetariańska kapsułka, dwutlenek tytanu (obecnie zastąpiony tlenkiem cynku), czerwień Allura E129 Skrobia ziemniaczana, olej słonecznikowy. Bez konserwantów, bez pszenicy, bez glutenu

Ekspercko opracowane dla pozytywnych rezultatów

Jakościowe składniki

Inozytol, witamina D, witamina B6, kwas foliowy, witamina B12, jod
Równowaga i regulacja hormonalna: Reguluje cykle menstruacyjne i wspiera rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych, promując równowagę hormonalną.

Kwas foliowy
Niezbędny do syntezy DNA i podziału komórek:
Wspomaga rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych (pęcherzyków) i zmniejsza ryzyko wad cewy nerwowej we wczesnej ciąży.

CoQ10, witamina C, witamina E, selen
Ochrona przeciwutleniająca: chroni komórki jajników przed uszkodzeniami oksydacyjnymi, poprawiając jakość jaj i ogólne zdrowie reprodukcyjne.

Witamina C, Cynk, Selen, Imbir
Wsparcie odporności: wspiera zdrowy układ rozrodczy i chroni przed stanami zapalnymi.

Opinie klientów
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
Based on 2,194 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 1.6k Total 4 star reviews: 367 Total 3 star reviews: 227 Total 2 star reviews: 20 Total 1 star reviews: 7
2,194 reviews
  • Madelyn M.
    Verified Reviewer
    1 year ago
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    I am 43 years old, the Fertility clinic told me that I need to buy the eggs because for my age were to low. I told them yeah right wait for me. I bought this pack in Amazon that you have the store and ONLY 2 months boom! Pregnant😁🤩🥰. 6 weeks pregnant. THANKS!!!!!

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    1 year ago

    Congratulations Madelyn, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience!

  • Mario G.
    Verified Buyer
    3 years ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 Stars

    I ordered one bottle of fertility support and ended up pregnant before finishing the first bottle. Im not 15 weeks pregnant with a strong healthy little girl.!💖 Would recommend to anyone wanting to get pregnant.

  • Anonymous
    Verified Buyer
    1 year ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    4 Stars

    I started taking the pills as soon as the package arrived so far I’m not pregnant however I recently ovulated I have irriregular cycles I’m currently waiting to see if my cycle will start I will keep you all posted on this journey I’m on I’m feeling extremely hopeful about it!

  • tabbyx19
    Verified Buyer
    3 years ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 Stars

    Don’t knock it until you try it , I had two miscarriages in 2020 and have been having an extremely hard time to get pregnant again, i even went as far as checking if i have fertility problems, which all came back that i am well and have no fertility issues, i decided to order these pills on September 7th and received them on September 10th a day into my menstrual cycle, i started them right away, although i seen many people take both pills at once i took one in the morning and one at night everyday until after ovulation, Fast forward , I started to feel so nauseous and it didn’t occur to me that i may be pregnant, because lately i would get nauseous before my next menstrual cycle , I would feel okay until i ate , so i took a pregnancy test on October 4th, 2021 and was shocked to know i had gotten a BFP, This month last year i lost my baby & this month i am now having my rainbow baby .. Not saying these pills gets everyone pregnant, but they definitely give the right vitamins & nutrients needed to start your family good luck ladies

  • Gift
    Verified Reviewer
    1 year ago
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Got pregnant a month of using your product

    Very good and recommendable

  • Noda
    Verified Buyer
    3 years ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 Stars

    Being in the medical field I Would recommend these products anyday. at 38yrs nd will be 39 in March. Have a 13 (14yrs old in February son). I started taking these tabs everyday since September only taking half of the recommended dosage. Since I was gonna take the recommended dosage of x2 daily starting December when I had plan to commence IVF. However after it was confirmed by HSG in early September that my tubes was blocked says the doctor. Although having the contrast going through my tubes during my second HSG but my fertility consult doctor here in America says blockage was noted despite he ensure he pushed fluids through as forceful as possible, which after a week or two I was still experiencing mild cramping effects although he had given me Doxycycline for prophylactic antibiotic after the procedure (this was my second HSG, 1st HSG was done by a technician and fluids didn't even enter my tubes only went as far as in my uterus) . surgery was suggested after my HSG which was more forcefull. I told him no surgery to remove or fix /assess tubes since xrays wasn't sure why fluids appeared blocked in the distal segments of my tubes according to this doctor.

    Well my partner leaves for 6 mths deployment today and Monday of this week we learnt I was 2 weeks pregnant. Since he came to visit early November for 2 weeks. We even went to Barbados to store his sperm...so I cud start ivf late December wen my period commence... .but I am afraid.....a miracle happened and we are…

  • Yetunde A.
    Verified Buyer
    3 years ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 Stars

    Conceive plus is the best prenatal multivitamin when preparing for a baby it's really work out for me I use it and I heard a 10mount old baby boy now.am preparing for another baby I oder again have started using it.i recommend this multivitamin for anyone looking for baby or trying to Conceive.may God bless your company

  • Sheeza R.
    Verified Buyer
    1 year ago
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    Pcos - Periods cycle came to 28-30 days since two months of taking the ovulation bundle still waiting to see a positive pregnancy.😊🤞

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