Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

120 i 60 Kapsułek / Zapas na 1 miesiąc

Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
2,122 Reviews
209,00 zł Cena regularna 220,00 zł

Suplement na płodność i zestaw owulacyjny - Conceive Plus Wsparcie płodności dla kobiet i suplement mio-inozytolowy na owulację. Zatwierdzony przez ginekologa w celu wzmocnienia płodności kobiet oraz regulacji cykli owulacyjnych i hormonów.

Zwiększa szanse na NATURALNĄ owulację

WSPIERA zdrowy poziom hormonów

Niezbędne dla zdrowia REPRODUKCYJNEGO

📦 DARMOWA DOSTAWA na wszystkie zamówienia +140 zł
  • Zacznij brać 3 miesiące przed planowanym poczęciem!

    Nasz suplement wspomagający owulację dla kobiet opracowaliśmy z kluczowymi składnikami potrzebnymi do wspomagania regularnej i zdrowej owulacji. Niezależnie od tego, czy masz trudności z zajściem w ciążę, czy jesteś w pełni płodna, zamów Conceive Plus Ovulation Support, aby pomóc kobiecemu organizmowi uzyskać określone składniki odżywcze potrzebne do zdrowego poczęcia.

    Conceive Plus Wsparcie owulacji dla kobiet jest przeznaczone dla WSZYSTKICH kobiet starających się o zajście w ciążę (TTC), w tym kobiet z PCOS.

    Pomaga zrównoważyć cykl i hormony — PCOS, wspomaganie nieregularnej owulacji

    Stosuj suplementy wspierające płodność kobiet z suplementami wspierającymi płodność mężczyzn, aby w naturalny sposób poprawić poczęcie.
  • ✓ Ochrona antyoksydacyjna:
    Chroni komórki jajnika przed uszkodzeniami oksydacyjnymi, poprawiając jakość jaj i ogólne zdrowie reprodukcyjne.

    ✓ Produkcja energii i metabolizm:
    Zapewnia energię do niezbędnych procesów rozrodczych, wspierając produkcję energii komórkowej i poprawiając owulacja.

    ✓ Równowaga i regulacja hormonalna:
    Reguluje cykle menstruacyjne i wspiera rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych, promując równowagę hormonalną.
  • Wsparcie owulacji:
    1. Zażywaj 2 kapsułki dwa razy dziennie, popijając wodą.

    Wsparcie dla kobiet:
    1. Zażywaj 2 kapsułki dziennie, popijając wodą.

    2. Weź dzień lub noc.
    3. Najlepiej z jedzeniem.
    4. Rozpocznij przyjmowanie na 90 dni przed planowanym poczęciem. 5. Po zajściu w ciążę sugerujemy przejście na Conceive Plus WSPARCIE PRENATALNE
  • Wspomaganie owulacji: Mio-inozytol, Kwas foliowy (kwas pteroilomonoglutaminowy), Ekstrakt z korzenia imbiru 20:1, Koenzym Q10 (Ubiquinon)

    Wsparcie płodności kobiet: Witamina D (cholekalcyferol) Witamina C (kwas askorbinowy) Witamina E (octan dl-alfa tokoferylu) Tiamina (witamina B1) Ryboflawina (witamina B2) Niacyna (witamina B3) Witamina B6 (pirydoksyna) Kwas foliowy (kwas foliowy) Witamina B12 (cyjanokobalamina) Biotyna (witamina B7) Kwas pantotenowy (witamina B5) Wapń Magnez (tlenek magnezu) Żelazo Cynk (siarczan cynku) Miedź Selen (selenometionina) Jod Mieszanka do poczęcia (inozytol, zasada L-argininy, cysteina, tauryna) Kapsułka: wegetariańska kapsułka, dwutlenek tytanu (obecnie zastąpiony tlenkiem cynku), czerwień Allura E129 Skrobia ziemniaczana, olej słonecznikowy. Bez konserwantów, bez pszenicy, bez glutenu

Składniki i zalety

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

Inozytol, witamina D, witamina B6, kwas foliowy, witamina B12, jod
Równowaga i regulacja hormonalna: Reguluje cykle menstruacyjne i wspiera rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych, promując równowagę hormonalną.

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

Kwas foliowy
Niezbędny do syntezy DNA i podziału komórek:
Wspomaga rozwój zdrowych komórek jajowych (pęcherzyków) i zmniejsza ryzyko wad cewy nerwowej we wczesnej ciąży.

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

CoQ10, witamina C, witamina E, selen
Ochrona przeciwutleniająca: chroni komórki jajników przed uszkodzeniami oksydacyjnymi, poprawiając jakość jaj i ogólne zdrowie reprodukcyjne.

Pakiet owulacyjny - Witaminy wspomagające płodność + suplement owulacyjny

Witamina C, Cynk, Selen, Imbir
Wsparcie odporności: wspiera zdrowy układ rozrodczy i chroni przed stanami zapalnymi.

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2,122 reviews
  • JD Profile picture for Jessica D.
    Jessica D.
    Verified Buyer
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Ovulation Pack (BR)
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Still waiting

    So I’m still waiting to see exactly how good this product is but from my friends who has used it they were very happy with the results so we shall see!

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    4 minutes ago

    Thank you for sharing your experience while waiting to see the results of the product. It's great to hear that your friends had positive outcomes from using it. We hope that you have a similarly positive experience and that the product meets your expectations. If you have any questions or need support along the way, please feel free to reach out. We're here to assist you and wish you the best of luck as you continue on your journey!

  • CM
    Caroline M.
    Verified Buyer
    4 days ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Ovulation bundle

    Just started using but good so far.

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    6 minutes ago

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the ovulation bundle! It's great to hear that it's been good so far. If you have any questions or need further guidance as you continue using the bundle, feel free to reach out. We're here to support you on your fertility journey. Wishing you the best of luck as you progress with the ovulation bundle!

  • EC
    Emma c.
    Verified Buyer
    5 days ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Good product

    We've only been trying a few months and my ovulation has improved since starting as it wasn't very regular before but is more regular now

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    6 minutes ago

    We're pleased to hear about your positive experience with our product! It's great to know that your ovulation has improved since starting to use it, especially if it was irregular before. Consistent ovulation is a key aspect of fertility, and we're glad to have played a part in supporting you on your journey. If you have any further feedback or questions as you continue using the product, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success as you work towards your conception goals!

  • HD Profile picture for Hannah D.
    Hannah D.
    Verified Buyer
    1 week ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Still going

    I’ve not become pregnant yet but only been taking for 1 month. We have been trying for 6 months. However, I feel like I’m going to come on my period so would definitely agree that the medication makes you more regular! I’ll keep going!

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    1 week ago

    It's great to hear that you feel the Ovulation Bundle has helped with regulating your cycle, even after just one month of use. It's important to stay patient and positive in your journey towards conception, especially as you notice these positive changes. Keep up the good work and perseverance. Wishing you the best of luck moving forward, and I hope your efforts pay off soon. If you have any more feedback or questions, feel free to share.

  • A
    Verified Buyer
    1 week ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Rated 2 out of 5 stars
    No positive

    Have taken this for 4 cycles I didn't get any positive tests yet

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    1 week ago

    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We’re sorry to hear that you haven’t yet received a positive test result. We understand how challenging and frustrating this journey can be. Ensuring both you and your partner's fertility, as well as having unprotected sex daily on your fertile days can help increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally. Wishing you all the best on your path to getting pregnant!

  • AR
    Aigbedo R.
    Verified Buyer
    1 week ago
    Ovulation Bundle (IT)
    Ovulation Bundle (IT)
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    It works

    It’s very good

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    1 week ago

    It's great to hear that you've had a positive experience with our product. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Thank you for your feedback!

  • VF
    Vitalina Ferreira M.
    Verified Buyer
    1 week ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Support  (FR)
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Support (FR)
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars

    E bom so que ainda nao vi resultado mas tou com fe

  • LR
    Lucas R.
    Verified Buyer
    2 weeks ago
    Women's Fertility Support
    Women's Fertility Support
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Conceive plus

    In the process hope it works been trying with my wife so I bought her the pills

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    1 week ago

    It's great to hear that you and your wife are actively trying, and I'm glad to hear that you purchased the pills to support this journey. It's important to stay positive and hopeful as you progress. Keep communicating and supporting each other through this process. If you have any more feedback or questions, feel free to share. Wishing you both the best of luck, and I hope that Conceive Plus brings you success on your path to conception.

  • AE Profile picture for Anna E.
    Anna E.
    Verified Buyer
    2 weeks ago
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Ovulation Pack - Fertility + Ovulation Supplements
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    Have effect on menstrual cycle, so must be doing something!

    These definitely do impact on cycle (and quite quickly) as without these my periods are irregular length and scanty/odd flow, but these seem to make everything more stable. Only problem is financially being able to keep up with them which would be necessary for the intended purpose but I am happy with the results I've received.

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    2 weeks ago

    It's great to hear that you've noticed a positive impact on your menstrual cycle while using the Conceive Plus Ovulation Bundle. Achieving more cycle regularity is a promising sign of improvement. We understand the financial aspect, and it's important to find what works best for you. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. We're here to support you in any way we can. Keep up the good work and continue striving for your goals!

  • AS
    ana s.
    Verified Buyer
    2 weeks ago
    Women's Fertility Support + Applicators
    Women's Fertility Support + Applicators
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    Gosto muito deste conjunto

    Pratico e eficaz…

    CP Profile picture for Conceive Plus EU
    Conceive Plus EU
    2 weeks ago

    Muito obrigado pelo seu feedback! Estamos felizes em saber que você acha nossos produtos práticos e eficazes. Se tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de mais assistência, não hesite em nos contatar. Estamos aqui para ajudar.

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